
Workout #3

Day 3 on treadmill:
23 minutes
211 calories
1.65 miles
1 mile jogging 11 min/mi pace!!

**NO, it wasn't a whole mile at once, but three different pieces...
.55, recover, .25, recover, .2, recover

My goal by the time Todd comes back is to be able to run a 5K with him. NO, I don't have to do it FAST or even without walking some, just mostly jog 3.2 miles. Ultimately, I would like to do it all at once without recovering in between, but I don't know that it is realistic to expect that by the time he comes home knowing that I'm only going to have access to a treadmill for 4-6 weeks....unless Kara all of the sudden decides that going to the gym daycare isn't so scary for her.

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