
Workout updates

Two in one, since I forgot to post these when I did the workout!

At Anna's house, I decided to run in the old neighborhood instead of working out on a machine....GLAD I DID!

Workout #1:

Jogged .9 miles and cooled down

Workout #2:

Jogged 1.1 miles and cooled down.

Now, to keep that up!!! WOOHOOOOO!


Looking back on Father's Day

So, I haven't had a chance to sit down and really type anything lately. I've actually been quite tired, cranky, and not very into DOING anything that needs my brain...go figure.

Father's Day was so strange without Todd. Thankfully, we got to talk with him, and the girls got to say hello and wish Daddy a good day. We had sent him a tshirt that the girls made for him, and he wore it to work Sunday and send us pics of it, so that was pretty cool! He seems to be doing well there. He particularly seems to be enjoying the work. It sounds like he is doing some super important and high speed stuff, so from a career standpoint, it must be thrilling! I'm glad. He now has his friend Kris (Mr. K-ris) in the Green Zone as well, so that is nice for him. Ginger and I are both now dealing with learning how this whole deployment thing works. I think we'll both be just fine!

As for the girls, Leah had a special day because she got to sing at church. The VBS kids put on a presentation to the church of the songs that they learned during the week. She LOVED it, and it was super cute.

Kara decided (on a whim like Kara usually does) that she needed to have earrings. She was quite sad because she wanted to be able to wear her earrings to bed, and when I told her the night before that she couldn't wear her clip ones to bed, she was sad. So, that was enough to make her want to do the ear piercing thing, and viola! We now have two girls with beautiful earrings (will post the video eventually)

Workout update

Treadmill Day #9:
25 minutes
239 calories
1.79 miles
1.2 miles jogging 10.75 min/mi pace!!
.65, recover, .35, recover, .2, recover

Not bad, considering my PMS today, eh?


Workout update

Treadmill Day #8:
25 minutes
239 calories
1.79 miles
1.2 miles jogging 10.75 min/mi pace!!
.65, recover, .30, recover, .25, recover

Same as last time. I'm not discouraged, though, because I have a minor sinus thing going on and a lot of stuff dripping down my throat which made it difficult to breath well.

Will try to improve next time to .75 miles first stretch.

Will be at my sisters for a couple of days, so no treadmill until at least Thurs.....so we'll see!!!


Workout update

Treadmill Day #7:
25 minutes
230 calories
1.80 miles
1.2 miles jogging 10.75 min/mi pace!!
.65, recover, .30, recover, .25, recover

MUSIC is a great motivator. Wore headphones and had music egging me on!!! Hoping that maybe the time after next to get a mile at once!!


The news is evil

Well, now I know why we don't really watch the news at our house. You see, my parents are OBSESSED with the news. They will watch ABC on the weekends, where they simply repeat the same news over and over for 4 hours. Holy moly. To hear the newscasters report it, judgement day is near.

Seriously. If I hear the story about the man who drown in the Ohio Pyle river, or the boy scouts who died in a tornado, or anything more about the flooding in Iowa, or how the price of a gallon of gas is going to be $5 by Labor Day, or the amount of money it will be costing to simply check a piece of luggage when you fly, I'm gonna pull my ears off. Is it all news worthy? Sure. People love to hear about tragedy (why is beyond me), but good heaven's. The end of the world is NOT coming people.

It IS a good thing, because hopefully people will start to realize that when it comes to a lot of this stuff, there are many things that individuals can do to help.....in the form of greener lives and better ways for the earth. However, people in general are selfish and uncaring, so not much is going to change, I'm sure....at least in this rural backwards place. I mean, seriously, most people here won't even consider recycling (because they actually have to take the stuff to a recycling center themselves)...it makes me crazy!

Off on a tanget I go. Bottom line is this. I don't like to watch the news. I know that these things go on. I read about the important stuff online. I don't care to watch them over 18 times and feel depressed that I brought children into such a shitty world.

I'm done. I think :)

On a happy note....the girls had a blast swimming at Larry and Jodi's tonight. They were both jumping in off the diving board with their swimming vests on and not thinking much of it. It's wonderful to see them not afraid, though I will be teaching them respect for the water, of course. Everyone went to bed in a good way and without any major tantrums, so I'll take it.



Workout update

Treadmill Day #6:
25 minutes
223 calories
1.71 miles
1 mile jogging 10.5 min/mi pace!! (with a .1 mile sprint at the end!!)
.35, recover, .25, recover, .2, recover, .1, quickrecover, .1sprint

Just wasn't feeling it today. I think i need to keep my slower pace until I can do a mile at once, then increase a bit at a time until i'm doing a decent timed mile.